27 Ergebnisse

Capitalism cannot fulfil the promises of the French revolution: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Why? Richard Wollf elaborates on Marx's analysis of the distribution and organisation of surplus in society and his conclusion that there is something inherently wrong in capitalist class structure that still causes economic crisis in our modern times. Change requires changing the organisation of the production. This goes far beyond a discussion of 'more-state' vs. 'less-state'. 2011 Level: leicht Intro To Marxian Economics Richard D Wolff Youtube Due to the IMF’s focus on gender budgeting, this essay will mainly examine its gender budgeting recommendations as an example of its general inclination towards gender issues and its conception of gender equality. What does the IMF’s focus on gender equality really mean from a critical feminist perspective? What are its main objectives? What does it seek to change and to maintain? What concept or idea of women does it follow and what are the underlying theoretical foundations? 2017 Level: leicht The Gender strategy of the IMF: The way to go towards gender equality or a mere instrumentalisation of feminism? Lisa Weinhold and Carolin Brodtmann Exploring Economics Anwar Shaikh explores alternative economic explanations, emphasizing 'real competition' theory and the role of imperfections in economic patterns. 2017 Level: mittel Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crisis Anwar Shaikh The New School for Social Research Peter Bofinger argues that the Modern Monetary Theory gives theoretical justification for bold answers to the corona crisis. 2020 Level: leicht Coronavirus crisis: now is the hour of Modern Monetary Theory Peter Bofinger Social Europe Exploring Economics Dossier on the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and the structural crisis of globalization. COVID-19 encounters a structural crisis of globalization and the economic system that drives it, with an uncertain outcome. We asked economists worldwide to share with us their analysis of current events, long-term perspectives and political responses. The dossier will be continuously expanded. 2020 Level: leicht The Next Great Recession? Exploring Economics Dossier   Exploring Economics It is perhaps fitting that the seriousness of the coronavirus threat hit most of the Western world around the Ides of March, the traditional day of reckoning of outstanding debts in Ancient Rome. After all, problems and imbalances have accumulated in the Western capitalist system over four decades, ostensibly since it took the neoliberal road out of the 1970s crisis and kept going along it, heedless of the crises and problems it led to. 2020 Level: leicht The Unexpected Reckoning: Coronavirus and Capitalism Radhika Desai Canadian Dimesion How long the COVID-19 crisis will last, and what its immediate economic costs will be, is anyone's guess. But even if the pandemic's economic impact is contained, it may have already set the stage for a debt meltdown long in the making, starting in many of the Asian emerging and developing economies on the front lines of the outbreak. 2020 Level: leicht The COVID-19 Debt Deluge Jayati Ghosh Project Syndicate With the onset of an economic crisis that has been universally acknowledged since the end of March, two main questions arise: To what extent is the corona pandemic the starting point (or even the cause) of this crisis? And secondly: can the aid programmes that have been adopted prevent a deep and prolonged recession? 2020 Level: leicht Economic crisis only because of the Corona pandemic? Jakob Schäfer Exploring Economics Mit dem seit Ende März allseits konstatierten Beginn einer Wirtschaftskrise stellen sich vorrangig zwei Fragen: Inwieweit ist die Corona-Pandemie der Ausgangspunkt (oder gar die Ursache) dieser Krise? Und zweitens: Kann mit den beschlossenen Hilfsprogrammen eine tiefgreifende, langanhaltende Rezession verhindert werden? 2020 Level: leicht Wirtschaftskrise nur wegen Corona-Pandemie? Jakob Schäfer Exploring Economics For some days, global financial markets are in turmoil. Central banks and governments are dealing with the unfolding crisis on a daily basis with seemingly u... 2020 Level: leicht Replay of the financial crisis of 2008? What is different today, and what to expect? Adam Tooze & Gerhard Schick Finanzwende This is webinar series organized by the SOAS Open Economic Forum and the SOAS Economics Department with speakers from the same department as well as other academic figures. 2020 Level: leicht The Economics of Covid-19 | SOAS University of London SOAS Open Economics Forum, SOAS Economics Department, Various SOAS Open Economics Forum The effects of the 2020 pandemic on the Latin-American region: a thorough before-after analysis. 2020 Level: leicht COVID-19 and Economic Development in Latin America SOAS Open Economics Forum, SOAS Economics Department, Tobias Franz SOAS University of London This course introduces students to the relevance of gender relations in economics as a discipline and in economic processes and outcomes. The course covers three main components of gender in economics and the economy: (1) the gendered nature of the construction and reproduction of economic theory and thought; (2) the relevance and role of gender in economic decision-making; and (3) differences in economic outcomes based on gender. We wil touch on the relevance of gender and gender relations in at least each of the following topics: economic theory; the history of economic thought; human capital accumulation; labor market discrimination; macroeconomic policy, including gender budgeting; household economics; basic econometrics; and economic crises. 2019 Level: leicht Gender Relations and Economics Alyssa Schneebaum Vienna University of Economics and Business The workshop introduces into the field of critical political economy and tries to identify the role of finacial markets in capitalism, the reason for financial crises and the relevance of Marx in regard to these topics. 2018 Level: leicht Marxian Political Economy Jannis Eicker and Anil Shah 2. Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics This is a new online course at bachelor level. It presents an introduction into macroeconomics with a specific focus on the euro area. The theoretical part provides a critical presentation of the two key macroeconomic models: the (neo)classical approach and the Keynesian approach. This allows a comparative analysis of important macroeconomic topics: unemployment inflation government debt and Modern Monetary Theory banks and financial crises. The policy-oriented part discusses the monetary policy of the ECB and the specific challenges for fiscal policy in the euro area. The course also presents other euro area specific topics: Optimum currency area, euro crises, Next Generation EU and Green New Deal. 2021 Level: mittel European Macroeconomics Peter Bofinger Exploring Economics Neoliberalism is dead. Again. After the election of Trump and the victory of Brexit in 2016, many diagnosed the demise of the ideology of Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Augusto Pinochet, and the WTO. Yet the philosophy of the free market and the strong state has an uncanny capacity to survive and even thrive in crisis. 2020 Level: mittel Nine Lives of Neoliberalism Dieter Plehwe Verso Books Blending past and present, this brief history of economics is the perfect book for introducing students to the field.A Brief History of Economics illustrates how the ideas of the great economists not only influenced societies but were themselves shaped by their cultural milieu. Understanding the economists' visions ? lucidly and vividly unveiled by Canterbery ? 2011 Level: mittel A Brief History of Economics E. Ray Canterbery World Scientific The economic crisis is also a crisis for economic theory. Most analyses of the evolution of the crisis invoke three themes, contagion, networks and trust, yet none of these play a major role in standard macroeconomic models. What is needed is a theory in which these aspects are central. 2011 Level: mittel Complex Economics Alan Kirman Routledge Die herrschende Wirtschaftskrise ist auch eine Krise der herrschenden Wirtschaftslehre. Diese hat durch Jahre hindurch „den freien Markt“ propagiert und mitgeholfen, eine wirksame Regulierung der Kapital- und Geldmärkte zu verhindern. Ein unregulierter Markt, so wurde gesagt, würde sich von selbst regulieren, effizient arbeiten und optimale Ergebnisse zum Wohle aller hervorbringen. 2009 Level: mittel Mythos Markt Walter Ötsch Metropolis-Verlag For intermediate courses in economics. A Unified View of the Latest Macroeconomic Events Macroeconomics, Blanchard presents a unified, global view of macroeconomics, enabling readers to see the connections between goods, financial markets, and labor markets worldwide. 2017 Level: mittel Macroeconomics Olivier J. Blanchard, David R. Johnson Pearson Das vorliegende Buch soll das Forschungsfeld einer Soziologie ökonomischen Wissens und der Wirtschaftswissenschaften konturieren. 2000 Level: mittel Genese, Konsolidierung und Transformation der neoklassischen Wissenschaftskultur Pahl, Hanno Springer VS This course will focus on the emergence and evolution of industrial societies around the world We will begin by comparing the legacies of industry in ancient and early modern Europe and Asia and examining the agricultural and commercial advances that laid the groundwork for the Industrial Revolution of the 18th … Level: leicht Global Perspectives on Industrialization Jonathan Robins; Andrew Ramey Michigan Technological University This book demonstrates the continuing relevance of economics for understanding the world, through a restatement of the importance of plurality and heterodox ideas for teaching and research. 2017 Level: mittel Post-Crash Economics Feraboli, Omar; Morelli, Carlo J. (eds.) Palgrave Macmillan Steve Keen ProfSteveKeen University of Western Sydney Level: mittel Behavioural Finance Lectures Steve Keen University of Western Sydney Anwar Shaikh seeks in his lectures for alternative explanations for empirically observed macro and microeconomic patterns of economic fluctuations, price volatility, and economic development. Level: mittel Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crisis Anwar Shaikh The New School Crises are a key part of the history of the global economy. This lesson by Economy Studies introduces students to the crisis management theories of John Maynard Keyens by presenting them in the historical context of the Great Depression, the Post-War increase in the state in managing the economy, and the Energy Crisis of the 1970s. 2022 Level: leicht How to get away with a crisis? - Economy Studies   Economy Studies Finance at the Threshold offers a unique perspective from an English economic and monetary historian. In it the author asks: Why did the banks stop lending to one another, and why now? Was it merely a matter of over-loose credit due to the relaxation of traditional prudence, or did global finance find itself at its limits? 2016 Level: mittel Finance at the Threshold Budd, Christopher Houghton Routledge


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