4 Ergebnisse

Based on Modern Money Theory (MMT), Stephanie Kelton compares the cryptocurrency to the fiat money system (or simply what we have today). 2017 Level: leicht Cryptocurrency and Fiat Money Stephanie Kelton YouTube This is a new online course at bachelor level. It presents an introduction into macroeconomics with a specific focus on the euro area. The theoretical part provides a critical presentation of the two key macroeconomic models: the (neo)classical approach and the Keynesian approach. This allows a comparative analysis of important macroeconomic topics: unemployment inflation government debt and Modern Monetary Theory banks and financial crises. The policy-oriented part discusses the monetary policy of the ECB and the specific challenges for fiscal policy in the euro area. The course also presents other euro area specific topics: Optimum currency area, euro crises, Next Generation EU and Green New Deal. 2021 Level: mittel European Macroeconomics Peter Bofinger Exploring Economics The lecturer focuses on his own paper The Economic Limits of Bitcoin and Anonymous Decentralized Trust on the Blockchain analysing the innovation of cryptocurrencies particularly bitcoin and its economic credibility The innovator of cryptocurrency Satoshi Nakamoto incorporated an interesting combination of computer sciences and economics The paper argues the limitations … 2022 Level: leicht The Economics of Cryptocurrencies Eric Budish Economics Department, Oxford University Bildungsmaterial von Attac für Schulen und außerschulische Bildungsarbeit zum Thema Kryptowährungen 2023 Level: leicht Krypto – Der Traum vom schnellen Geld Julia Bär, Torben Beyer, Catherine Gotschy, Roland Jourdan, Niklas Kullick, Holger Oppenhäuser, Franca Ratz, Andreas David Schmidt, Tobias Weißer Attac Bildung


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