764 Ergebnisse

Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st century is presented and the central argument that capital returns have historically exceeded growth rates, thus exacerbating inequality is illustrated. 2015 Level: leicht An Introduction to Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century- A Macat Economics Analysis   Macat Balance of payments stability is of paramount importance for developing countries, both to secure the value of their domestic currencies as well as reliable foreign currency inflows. But how is that stability ensured and how important is the growth of exports for stability? 2020 Level: leicht Thirlwalls Law Introduction Jezri Krinsky blobMetropolis In this interview, Daron Acemoğlu provides a definition of institutions as rules that govern how individuals interact and speaks about social, political and economic institutions. He furthermore presents his view on bad or good institutions and the importance of the latter. The video is part of a larger interview, where he elaborates his perspective on differing prosperities of states and the relation between growth and democracy. 2009 Level: leicht Institutional Economics - Rethinking the Wealth of Nations Daron Acemoğlu Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei In this Ted Talk, Mariana Mazzucato argues against the juxtaposition of the state and entrepreneurial activities. By presenting examples of her research on the relation between innovation and (inclusive) growth, she shows how many innovations were led by states' initiatives. Mazzucato confronts the liberal narrative of the a state that merely provides the frame for the market. 2013 Level: leicht Government - investor, risk-taker, innovator Mariana Mazzucato Ted Talks In the keynote speech, Sigrid Stagl argues why it is necessary to include socio-ecological aspects in macoreconomic models. The talk focuses on the ecological necessities, mentioning limits to growth, resource extraction and planetary boundaries. At the end, Stagl shortly presents several current macroeconomic initiatives and models that move towards a a socio-ecological macroeconomics. 2013 Level: leicht Towards a socio-ecological macroeconomics Sigrid Stagl Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie The author identifies three principal economic phenomena, which are explained: long run productivity growth as the central driver of increasing economic activity, short-term and long-term debt cycles. The latter two are explained to some detailed with reference to money creation, central banking and long term crisis tendencies. With regards to the long run debt cycle, which leads into deleveraging and recession, some policy measures which can smoothen the crisis are discussed. 2013 Level: leicht How The Economic Machine Works Ray Dalio Bridgewater Associates Carsten Dreher starts with a historical perspective on the development of evolutionary economics by mentioning the difficulties of neoclassical economics to explain economic growth and by referring to the work of Joseph Schumpeter. Then some concepts such as business cycles, path dependencies are shortly explained. Dreher continues by introducing two different approaches in evolutionary economics, a micro centred approach that is associated with Nelson and Winter's work and a macro institutional and historical approach that has been pursued amongst others by Chris Freeman. Lastly the policy implications of treating economies as innovation systems are discussed and a summary of the differences of neoclassical and evolutionary economics is provided. 2016 Level: mittel Innovationsökonomie - Prof. Carsten Dreher @FU-Berlin Carsten Dreher Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik The podcast exposes the concept and principles of co-operatives and the three main types of co-operatives: the consumer, credit and farmers buying and selling co-operatives. Furthermore, the history of the co-operative movement is presented. The authors draw the line from co-operatives to "degrowth" by arguing that these organisations discourage profit maximisation due to their ownership structure, their social purpose and their primacy of people over capital. The value of the members' co-operative share does not increase with the growth of a co-operative and it can not be used for speculation. Finally, the authors give examples for current co-operatives which empower (local) communities fostering social justice and environmentalism. 2016 Level: leicht Co-operatives Ann-Christin Abbenhaus; Nadia Johanisova; Ruben Suriñach Padilla; Philippa Parry Degrowth Audiobook The Lecturer Prof. Francesco Lissoni presents basic concepts of the Economics of Innovation. Firstly, he distinguishes between invention, innovation and diffusion and relates innovation to economic growth. Subsequently, he elucidates learning and network effects. 2012 Level: mittel Economics of Innovation 1/2 Francesco Lissoni Alta Scuola Politecnica During his life, Keynes was credited with, amongst other things, with helping to save capitalism from the Great Depression, funding the war against the Nazis and building post-war decades of growth and rising prosperity. And when the global crisis struck in 2008, it was his ideas that the world's leaders turned to help avoid another depression. 2012 Level: leicht Masters Of Money | John Maynard Keynes BBC YouTube In der Schreibwerkstatt Post-Growth Economics hat Ariane Isidorczyk ein Dossier zum Zusammenhang zwischen der Indusstriellen Revolution und dem Klimawandel verfasst und schlägt eine Lernmethode für Schüler:innen und Studierende vor, die die Simulation und das emotionale Erfassen von globalen Zusammenhängen zwischen Wirtschaft, technischer Entwicklung und dem CO2 -Ausstoß ermöglicht. #postgrowthwritingworkshop Level: leicht Wie das Wirtschaftswachstum unser Klima veränderte - Die Industrielle Revolution als Klimafeind Ariane Isidorczyk Exploring Economics Economic development is a process of continuous technological innovation and structural transformation. Development thinking is inherently tied to the quest for sustainable growth strategies. This book provides a neoclassical approach for studying the determinants of economic structure and its transformation and draws new insights for development policy. 2012 Level: mittel New Structural Economics Justin Yifu Lin World Bank Publications This book argues that mainstream economics, with its present methodological approach, is limited in its ability to analyze and develop adequate public policy to deal with environmental problems and sustainable development. Each chapter provides major insights into many of today’s environmental problems such as global warming and sustainable growth. 2009 Level: mittel Post Keynesian and Ecological Economics Richard P. F. Holt, Steven Pressman, Clive L. Spash Edward Elgar Publishing This paper starts with an evaluation of three common arguments against pluralism in economics: (1) the claim that economics is already pluralist, (2) the argument that if there was the need for greater plurality, it would emerge on its own, and (3) the assertion that pluralism means ‘anything goes’ and is thus unscientific. Pluralist responses to all three arguments are summarized. The third argument is identified to relate to a greater challenge for pluralism: an epistemological trade-off between diversity and consensus that suggests moving from a discussion about ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ towards a discussion about the adequate degree of plurality. We instantiate the trade-off by showing how it originates from two main challenges: the need to derive adequate quality criteria for a pluralist economics, and the necessity to propose strategies that ensure the communication across different research programs. The paper concludes with some strategies to meet these challenges. 2017 Level: leicht Pluralism in economics: its critiques and their lessons Claudius Gräbner, Birte Strunk Journal of Economic Methodology Das Paradigma der ökologischen Ökonomie (Ecological Economics) stellt einen multidisziplinärern Ansatz dar, um ein ganzheitliches Bild der wachsenden ökologischen Probleme und ihrer Verflechtungen mit der Ökonomie zu erhalten. Sie beschäftigt sich mit Ressourcenknappheit, Umweltverschmutzung, Klimawandel, Nahrungsmittelknappheit oder sozialer Ungleichheit. Hierbei werden wissenschaftliche Disziplinen wie Ökologie, Ökonomie, Physik und zunehmend auch andere Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften (z.B. Soziologie oder Philosophie) herangezogen, mit dem Ziel, im ökonomischen Denken auch ökologische, ethische, politische, institutionelle und soziale Faktoren zu berücksichtigen. In diesem Zusammenhang werden nichtzuletzt deshalb auch wesentliche Grundannahmen der orthodoxen Ökonomie sehr kritisch betrachtet (Constanza 1989, Ayres 2008, Spash 2010). 2022 Level: leicht Ökologische Ökonomie Aistleitner und Rehberger Exploring Economics This chapter by the Centre of Economy Studies provides a map through the complex jungle of economic theories. It provides key insights and ideas for thirteen core topics in economics, organised by selecting the most relevant theoretical approaches per topic and contrasting them with each other. 2021 Level: leicht Pragmatic Pluralism Sam de Muijnck and Joris Tieleman Economy Studies An analysis of the modern neoliberal world, its characteristics, flaws and planetary boundaries aiming to end new economic politics and support a global redistribution of power, wealth and roles. In this online lecture, economist and Professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK. Costas Lapavitsas, explains the limitations of the neoliberal market in creating financial stability and growth in both, developing and developed countries. 2020 Level: mittel The Limits to Neoliberalism: how states respond to the crisis SOAS Open Economics Forum, SOAS Economics Department, Costas Lapavitsas SOAS University of London In the history of the social sciences, few individuals have exerted as much influence as has Jeremy Bentham. His attempt to become “the Newton of morals” has left a marked impression upon the methodology and form of analysis that social sciences like economics and political science have chosen as modus operandi. 2020 Level: mittel Bentham’s Two Sovereign Masters - Examining Bentham’s Influence on the Social Sciences Jerome Warren Exploring Economics The objective of the course is to explore the main strengths and weaknesses of orthodox and heterodox paradigms within development economics. 2019 Level: leicht Issues in Development Economics Hannah Bargawi SOAS University of London Recovery from the Covid-19 crisis provides a chance to implement economic measures that are also beneficial from environmental and social perspectives. While ‘green’ recovery packages are crucial to support economies tracking a low-carbon transition in the short-term, green measures such as carbon pricing are also key to improving welfare in the long-term. This commentary specifies the need for carbon pricing, outlines its implications for our everyday lives, and explains how it works alongside value-based change in the context of climate action and societal well-being. 2021 Level: leicht Carbon Pricing: The Key to Open the Way Toward a Sustainable Recovery and Long-Term Wellbeing Stefano Vrizzi, Jessica Geraghty, Matilda Saarinen, Beatrice Noun, Olivia de Vesci, Philippine Levy Exploring Economics This article, looks at the complex interaction between an urban economy and the vegetation within that urban area. In summary, numerous studies have found a positive link between increased vegetation and social as well as personal health. It makes a case for increasing urban vegetation as a way to benefit local economies. 2018 Level: leicht Urban Arbonomics | The Complex Nature of Urban Vegetation Amelia Kroner Pluralist Economics Fellowship This course will introduce key concepts, theories and methods from socioeconomics. The first part of the course, will deal with the main economic actors and how their interactions are governed. Markets are seen as sets of social institutions. Institutions shape how consumers, firms and other economic actors behave. While it is difficult to understand how novelty emerges, we can study the conditions that are conducive to innovation. We will review how economic performance, social progress and human wellbeing are measured and what progress has been made. In the second part of the course, we will study a specific macroeconomic model that accounts for biophysical boundaries and inequality. 2020 Level: mittel Foundations in Socioeconomics Prof. Dr. Sigrid Stagl University of Vienna Behavioural economics deals with observing behaviour and economic decision making behaviour. Behavioral Economics     This article outlines the fundamental challenges of democratically planned economies and categorises proposed models into six groups, each of which approaches planning and coordination at different levels of authority and between myriad economic units in a particular way, taking into account efficiency as well as democratic principles and environmental and social sustainability. Through a classification system based on decision-making authority and mediation mechanisms, the article provides a framework for understanding and comparing these models. By examining their different approaches, it offers insights into the complexities and potential paths of democratically planned economies in the 21st century. 2024 Level: leicht Rethinking Democratic Economic Planning: An Overview Jakob Heyer Exploring Economics Fabian Georgi analyses how migration and borders are connected to capitalism. 2024 Level: leicht Recruiting skilled labour, while closing borders? The connection between migration, border regimes and capitalism Fabian Georgi Exploring Economics This text provides an easy to understand introduction to complexity economics for non-specialist audiences such as bachelor's students. 2023 Level: leicht Think Complexity Economics is too Complicated? Then this is for you. Dennis Venter, Arpitha Varma Exploring Economics One hundred years ago the idea of 'the economy' didn't exist. Now, improving the economy has come to be seen as perhaps the most important task facing modern societies. Politics and policymaking are conducted in the language of economics and economic logic shapes how political issues are thought about and addressed. 2017 Level: mittel The Econocracy Joe Earle, Cahal Moran, Zach Ward-Perkins Manchester University Press Representing everyone An Analysis of the Representation of Migrant Women by official Labour Organizations in Germany Author Tess Herrmann Review Deborah Sielert This is an essay of the writing workshop Gender and the Economy Perspektives of Feminist Economics published on 17 May 2017 updated on 16 August 2017 Why we … 2017 Level: leicht Representing everyone – Migrant Women's Representation by Labour Organizations in Germany Tess Herrmann Exploring Economics The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is rapidly spreading around the world. The real economy is simultaneously hit by a supply shock and a demand shock by the spread of coronavirus. Such a twin shock is a rare phenomenon in recent economic history. 2020 Level: leicht How to Manage the Economic Fallout of the Coronavirus Kavaljit Singh Madhyam Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2020 Level: leicht A Time for Precaution Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics Hannes Vetter hat sich in Rahmen der Schreibwerkstatt "Varieties of Mainstream Economics?" mit der Evaluation der Bewertung von Umwelt in neoklassischen Makromodellen auseinandergesetzt. Level: mittel Kritische Evaluation der Bewertung von Umwelt in neoklassischen Makromodellen Hannes Vetter Exploring Economics In this essay the authors argue for a wider concept of care work that includes community building, civic engagement and environmental activism. On the basis of the case of Cargonomia, a grassroot initiative in Budapest, they show that such a wider concept of care work could allow for different narratives that promote sustainable lifestyles with a milder environmental and social impact on the planet and its communities. 2019 Level: leicht Reimagining the world of (care)work: the case of Cargonomia Ágota Csoma, Orsolya Lazányi Exploring Economics


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