774 Ergebnisse

Level: mittel
In this new book Smith returns to Solow s classic productivity paradox which essentially states that we can see automation everywhere like the spheres of leisure sociality and politics but not in the productivity statistics He examines why labor saving automation in the service age in the Global North has …
Level: mittel
From the Dissolution of the Soviet Union to the Conflict in Ukraine The breakup of the Soviet Union led to the creation of new states and territorial conflicts of different levels of intensity Scrutinising the post Soviet period this volume offers explanations for both the frequency and the intensity of …
Level: leicht
Introduces four of the most influential economists you'll never read in a modern economics class - Marx, Veblen, Keynes, and Galbraith.
Level: leicht
Das Buch geht zunächst auf den Begriff der imperialen Lebensweise ein und erläutert deren historische Entwicklung. Daran anschließend fragen sich die Autor*innen, wie ihr begegnet werden kann und wie ein gutes Leben für alle erreicht werden kann, aber auch, welchen Herausforderungen dabei zu begegnen ist. In den einzelnen Kapiteln werden diese Fragen für die folgenden Lebensbereiche gestellt: Sorge, Digitalisierung, Geld und Finanzen, Bildung und Wissen, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft sowie Mobilität ab.
Level: leicht
Improving Decisions About Health Wealth and Happiness Now available Nudge The Final Edition The original edition of the multimillion copy New York Times bestseller by the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics Richard H Thaler and Cass R Sunstein a revelatory look at how we make decisions for fans …
Level: leicht
Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary contains over one hundred essays on transformative initiatives and alternatives to the currently dominant processes of globalized development, including its structural roots in modernity, capitalism, state domination, and masculinist values.
Level: mittel
From the editor and magazine that started and named the Occupy Wall Street movement Meme Wars The Creative Destruction of Neoclassical Economics is an articulation of what could be the next steps in rethinking and remaking our world that challenges and debunks many of the assumptions of neoclassical economics and …
Level: schwer
Dieses Buch entwickelt eine kritische Theorie der Wirtschaft, die zum Ausgangspunkt nimmt, dass Wirtschaftswissenschaft nicht nur ihren Gegenstand beschreibt und analysiert, sondern sozialontologisch konstituiert. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Konzept der Performativität.
Level: leicht
The investigative research conducted by the German weekly newspaper "Die Zeit" and the British Daily Newspaper "The Guardian" includes a research-based critique of carbon trading.
Level: leicht
Whiteness is a process of learning: one is not born white, but becomes one. In this rich and compelling volume, Sriprakash, Rudolph and Gerrard offer a meticulous (and eye-opening) reading of educational experiences and structures that endorse systemic racism.
Level: mittel
The book’s central theme is to develop a new theory of speculative capital related to other forms of capital, the world market, and the state. Unlike most marxist and heterodox theories, the book distinguishes credit and fictitious capital from speculative capital to show its hegemony today in the capital markets.
Level: mittel
A Plan to Save the Future from Extinction Climate Change and Pandemics A plan to save the earth and bring the good life to all In this thrilling and capacious book Troy Vettese and Drew Pendergrass challenge the inertia of capitalism and the left alike and propose a radical plan …
Level: leicht
Surviving the Future is a story drawn from the fertile ground of the late David Fleming's extraordinary 'Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It'. That hardback consists of four hundred and four interlinked dictionary entries, inviting readers to choose their own path through its radical vision. Recognizing that Lean Logic's sheer size and unusual structure can be daunting, Fleming's long-time collaborator Shaun Chamberlin has selected and edited one of these potential narratives to create Surviving the Future. The content, rare insights, and uniquely enjoyable writing style remain Fleming's, but are presented here at a more accessible paperback-length and in conventional read-it-front-to-back format
Level: mittel
From the mercantile monopolies of seventeenth-century empires to the modern-day authority of the WTO, IMF, and World Bank, the nations of the world have struggled to effectively harness globalization's promise. The economic narratives that underpinned these eras the gold standard, the Bretton Woods regime, the "Washington Consensus" brought great success and great failure.
Level: leicht
All leaders are constrained by geography. Their choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. People and ideas are important; but if you don't know geography, you'll never have the full picture.
Level: leicht
Die planetarische Gesellschaft befindet sich in einer tiefen Krise. Längerfristig ist das Überleben der Menschheit bedroht. Die vielen Probleme der Umwelt haben mit der Art zu tun, wie global produziert, konsumiert und Handel getrieben wird. Dies zu erklären ist Aufgabe der Wirtschaftstheorie. Welche Theorien dabei im Vordergrund stehen, hat konkrete Folgen: Theorien, die in der Öffentlichkeit und in der Politik dominant sind, haben direkten Einfluss auf das Wirtschaftssystem selbst. Denn sie bestimmen mit, was als legitim und selbstverständlich gilt, welche Handlungsspielräume wirtschaftlich und politisch Mächtigen eingeräumt werden, welche Maßnahmen von der Politik ergriffen und welche Optionen abgelehnt werden.
Level: mittel
Traditionally, economists have attributed consistency and rational calculation to the action of ‘economic man’. In a powerful challenge to orthodox thinking, Geoffrey Hodgson maintains that social institutions play a central and essential role in molding preferences and guiding action: institutions are regarded as enabling action rather than merely providing constraints.
Level: mittel
Free, Fair & Alive is a foundational re-thinking of the commons, the self-organized social systems that human beings have used for millennia to meet their needs.
Level: mittel
"The New Classical Macroeconomics "gives an accessible, rigorous, critical account of the central doctrines of the new classical economics, without unnecessarily difficult mathematics. It focuses on four central issues: the foundation of monetary theory; monetary and fiscal policy; labour supply and business cycles; and the attack on econometric models.
Level: mittel
Im Nachgang der 2022er Tagung für Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaften in Wien versammelt"Eigentum, Medien, Öffentlichkeit" nun auf knapp 500 Seiten zahlreiche spannende Beiträge rund um das Thema Eigentum – verfasst von ganz unterschiedlichen Autor*innen aus dem näheren und weiteren Kritische Kommunikationswissenschafts-Universum.
Level: mittel
This course teaches basic concepts relevant in political economy. Topics include the contractual nature of the state, public versus private goods, property rights and economic externalities, the logic of collective action and social choice theory. It also refers to the fundamentals of political philosophy, bringing two ideas of liberty into the picture. The relevance and limitations of the economic approach to the study of law and politics are then discussed.
Level: leicht
A previously unpublished collection of Rodney's essays on Marxism, spanning his engagement with of Black Power, Ujamaa Villages, and the everyday people who put an end to a colonial era
Level: mittel
Since the Middle Ages, literature has portrayed the economic world in poetry, drama, stories and novels. The complexity of human realities highlights crucial aspects of the economy. The nexus linking characters to their economic environment is central in a new genre, the "economic novel", that puts forth economic choices and events to narrate social behavior, individual desires, and even non-economic decisions.
Level: leicht
Economiefeministe sammelt, systematisiert, diskutiert, vermittelt und schafft ökonomisches Wissen aus feministischer Perspektive.
Level: mittel
The productive work of widely distributed academic research has contributed substantially, over the postwar period, to important advances in our understanding. It has also offered a clearer recognition of many unresolved problems. Never theless, the progress achieved over the last decades, ex hibited by the systematic application of "theory" to actual issues and observable problems, could not overcome a per vasive sense of dissatisfaction.
Level: leicht
Die meisten Sozialwissenschaften beschäftigen sich mit der Ideengeschichte ihres Faches im Grundstudium. Anders in der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Aber ist nicht der Kontext eines Modells oder einer Theorie, bzw. die jeweilige Entstehungsgeschichte entscheidend, um es in der Tiefe zu verstehen? Ein Essay von Luisa Jentsch.
Level: leicht
Einkommen und Vermögen sind weltweit ungleich verteilt. Ursachen und Folgen ökonomischer Ungleichheit stehen nicht nur im Fokus aktueller politischer Debatten, sondern bilden auch eines der Schwerpunktthemen in Forschung und Lehre am IfSo. Ab sofort bietet ein neuer kostenloser Online-Kurs für jede und jeden die Möglichkeit, erste Einblicke in das Thema zu gewinnen.
Level: mittel
This is an important contribution both to advancing theoretical and empirical understandings of African monetary sovereignty and to putting problems and possibilities relating to African monetary sovereignty on the political agenda This is of utmost importance given that these issues have largely not received much attention in contemporary discussions of …
Level: leicht
Though apparently siblings from the same family, New Keynesianism and Post-Keynesianism are completely different schools of economic thought. As to why and in what regard exactly, that is what this book is all about. While the former is the official label of the current mainstream in economic research and teaching (rather than neoclassic economics, which would be more apt a term), the latter tries to preserve the original thinking of John Maynard Keynes, but also additional ideas and concepts of all those building on his work.
Level: leicht
Als Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik ist es unser Ziel, die Vielfalt ökonomischer Themen in die Öffentlichkeit zu tragen. Deshalb veröffentlichen wir seit 2014 eine Kolumne in der Frankfurter Rundschau, in der wir aktuelle gesellschaftliche Themen aus der Perspektive der Pluralen Ökonomik beleuchten.
Level: mittel
Framing borders as an instrument of capital accumulation imperial domination and labor control Walia argues that what is often described as a migrant crisis in Western nations is the outcome for the actual crisis of capitalism conquest and climate change This book shows the displacement of workers in the global …
Level: leicht
Die Sparpolitik der Bundesregierung geht auf Kosten der Zukunft der jungen Generation. Die Kolumne von Carl Mühlbach, erschienen in der Frankfurter Rundschau.


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