Fachkräfte anwerben, Grenzen abschotten? Der Zusammenhang von Migration, Grenzregimen und Kapitalismus
Kritische Polit-ökonomische Bildung
Recruiting skilled labour, while closing borders? The connection between migration, border regimes and capitalism
Kapitalistische Wachstumszwänge mit Marktwirtschaft überwinden – Zu den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer sozialen Utopie
What is economic value, and who creates it?
Finance and Crisis: Marxian, Institutionalist and Circuitist approaches
Modern Monetary Theory and the public purpose
Global Value Chains in economic development
Theories of finance and financial crisis: Lessons for the Great Recession
Financialization made in Germany: A review
The European economic crisis from 2007 onwards in the context of a global crisis of over-production of capital - a Marxian monetary theory of value interpretation
Right-wing populism and market-fundamentalism: Two mutually reinforcing threats to democracy in the 21st century
Postkeynesianismus: Ein heterodoxer Ansatz auf der Suche nach einer Fundierung
Money View Symposium 2021
Foundations in Socioeconomics
Green Bonds: the Sovereign Issuers’ Perspective
Use-Value, Exchange Value, and the Demise of Marx's Value Theory of Labor
Stabile und nachhaltige Finanzmärkte
Critical Feminist Investigations
How the Russian Ruble Bounced Back
Low Profit Investitionen - bewerten, finanzieren, fördern
Education, Gender and Development
Gender in Latin American Development
The Gender and Labor of Globalization
Feminist Inroads in Epistemology, Method, and Theory
Post-Development am Beispiel des Buen Vivir
Auf dem Weg zu nachhaltigen Staatsfinanzen
Taming inflation? What are the implications of prolonged inflation?
Why will technology not save our souls?