1803 Ergebnisse

Rethinking Business is a volume of thought-provoking researches that sets out to challenge the paradigm of business along the areas of governance, finance, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability. 2014 Level: mittel Rethinking Business Raymund B. Habaradas and Denver Bingski D. Daradar De La Salle University (DLSU) Publishing House Work defines who we are It determines our status and dictates how where and with whom we spend most of our time It mediates our self worth and molds our values But are we hard wired to work as hard as we do Did our Stone Age ancestors also live … 2020 Level: leicht Work James Suzman Bloomsbury Circus In the debate about a sustainable and livable future, the critique of work is an essential perspective. In this contribution, Maja Hoffmann explores the tension between the environmentally harmful effects of work on the one hand and the systematic compulsion of work on the other. 2024 Level: leicht How can post-work (critiques of work) enrich the climate debate? Maja Hoffmann Economists for Future Forecasting is required in many situations. Stocking an inventory may require forecasts of demand months in advance. 2018 Level: mittel Forecasting: principles and practice Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos OTexts Wealth inequality between Black and white people in the US barely has changed in the last 150 years. In her book "The Color of Money. Black Banks and the Racial Wealth Gap" Mehrsa Baradaran, analyzes why also Black banks have not successfully changed this and not enabled Black wealth on a broader scale. 2017 Level: mittel The Color of Money Mehrsa Baradaran Harvard University Press

Are humans at their core seekers of their own pleasure or cooperative members of society? Paradoxically, they are both. Pleasure-seeking can take place only within the context of what works within a defined community, and central to any community are the evolved codes and principles guiding appropriate behavior, or morality. 2013 Level: mittel From Pleasure Machines to Moral Communities Geoffrey M. Hodgson University of Chicago Press Think Academy Think Academy Level: leicht Emergence Theory Think Academy Think Academy Im Nachgang der 2022er Tagung für Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaften in Wien versammelt"Eigentum, Medien, Öffentlichkeit" nun auf knapp 500 Seiten zahlreiche spannende Beiträge rund um das Thema Eigentum – verfasst von ganz unterschiedlichen Autor*innen aus dem näheren und weiteren Kritische Kommunikationswissenschafts-Universum. 2023 Level: mittel Eigentum, Medien, Öffentlichkeit Selma Güney, Lina Hille, Juliane Pfeiffer, Laura Porak, Hendrik Theine Westend Finance. Climate. Food. Work. How are the crises of the twenty-first century connected?In "Capitalism in the Web of Life", Jason W. Moore argues that the sources of today's global turbulence have a common cause: capitalism as a way of organizing nature, including human nature. 2015 Level: mittel Capitalism in the Web of Life Jason W. Moore Verso Angesichts der Umwelt- und Energiekrise wird diese Frage immer öfter mit »Ja« beantwortet. Immer mehr Menschen drosseln ihren Fleischkonsum und Plastikverbrauch oder ziehen Car-Sharing-Angebote dem eigenen Auto vor. Um den Energie- und Ressourcenverbrauch unserer Gesellschaft zu senken, muss diese Öko-Avantgarde jedoch in eine Massenbewegung transformiert werden. 2013 Level: leicht Damit gutes Leben einfacher wird Uwe Schneidewind, Angelika Zahrnt, Valentin Zahrnt Oekom In this course you will study the different facets of human development in topics such as education health gender the family land relations risk informal and formal norms public policy and institutions While studying each of these topics we will delve into the following questions What determines the decisions of … Level: mittel Foundations of Development Policy: Advanced Development Economics Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee, Esther Duflo & Benjamin Olken Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Great Transformation, 1944 erschienen, geht von der These aus, daß erst die Herausbildung einer liberalen Marktwirtschaft mit ihrem »freien Spiel der Kräfte« zu jener charakteristischen »Herauslösung« und Verselbständigung der Ökonomie gegenüber der Gesellschaft geführt hat, die historisch ein Novum darstellt und die bürgerliche Gesellschaft von allen anderen Gesellschaftsformationen unterscheidet. 1973 Level: mittel The Great Transformation - Politische und ökonomische Ursprünge von Gesellschaften und Wirtschaftssystemen Karl Polanyi Suhrkamp Verlag In 'Wagenknecht - nationale sitten & schicksalsgemeinschaft' von Wolfgang Veiglhuber und Klaus Weder findet sich eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Sahra Wagenknechts ökonomischem Denken. Dabei wird insbesondere ihre Nähe zu konservativen und reaktionären Gedankenwelten herausgearbeitet. 2022 Level: leicht Wagenknecht - nationale Sitten & Schicksalsgemeinschaft Klaus Weber, Wolfgang Veiglhuber (hg.) Argument Die vorliegende Arbeit bietet einen umfassenden, wissenschaft­lich fundierten Gesamtüberblick der in Deutschland v.a. an Universitäten verwandten Lehrbücher und über die Kernfächer der volks- und wirt­schaftswissenschaftlichen "Grundausbildung". 2017 Level: mittel Einseitig oder plural? Christian Rebhan Metropolis-Verlag Has neoliberalism destroyed gender equality Advocate author and broadcaster Beatrix Campbell examines the emergence of a new model of patriarchy and proposes solutions Beatrix Campbell iai Level: leicht End of Equality Beatrix Campbell iai Macroeconomics 101 by the Pan African Feminist Political Economy Collective NAWI explains in an accessible way, why macroeconomics matters in our daily lives. 2024 Level: leicht Macroeconomics 101 Agazit Abate NAWI Collective Die Podcast Episode des Geschichte der kommenden Welten Podcasts erzählt die Geschichte der Lohn für Hausarbeit Bewegung in den 70er Jahren. Sie rekonstruieren dabei sowohl Theorie als auch Praxis der Lohn für Hausarbeit Kampagne. 2024 Level: leicht Lohn für Hausarbeit Indigo & Sina Geschichte der kommenden Welten This book looks at the anti-capitalist economy and the organization of social relations in the context of the revolution and autonomy of Rojava (Kurdistan-Syria). 2023 Level: leicht Anticapitalist Economy in Rojava Azize Aslan Daraja Press John Maurice Clark’s article “The Changing Basis of Economic Responsibility,“ published in the Journal of Political Economy, is the topical starting point for all scholars interested in economic responsibility and responsible economic action. 2017 Level: mittel Economic Responsibility Michaela Haase Springer Unternehmen sind heute noch immer an engen und anspruchslosen Zielen ausgerichtet, die wenig mit den drängenden Realitäten unserer Welt zu tun haben. Frank Thun entwickelt einen Mix aus betriebswirtschaftlichen Prinzipien und einem neuen Verständnis für ökologische und gesellschaftliche Bedürfnisse - und liefert damit einen praktischen Leitfaden für nachhaltige Unternehmensführung. 2024 Level: leicht Unternehmen in Grün Frank Thun oekom verlag Ein Gespräch über Heide Lutoschs Buchkapitel "Embracing the Small Stuff - Caring for Children in a Liberated Society" im von Christoph Sorg und Jan Groos herausgegebenen Sammelband Creative Construction - Democratic Planning in the 21st century and beyond. 2024 Level: leicht Heide Lutosch zu Sorge in der befreiten Gesellschaft Heide Lutosch Future Histories Podcast Der Politologe Ingo Stützle bemüht sich um eine marxistische Kritik an der Modern Monetary Theory. Zwar stellt er einige valide Kritikpunkt heraus – etwa die mangelnde Berücksichtigung von Machtverhältnissen. Doch ist seine Gegendarstellung kaum weniger machtblind. Eine Kritik von Malte Kornfeld. 2024 Level: mittel MMT-Kritik unter Vorbehalt Malte Kornfeld Makroskop The relationship between race and capitalism is one of the most enduring and controversial historical debates. The concept of racial capitalism offers a way out of this impasse. 2021 Level: leicht Histories of Racial Capitalism Justin Leroy, Destin Jenkins Columbia University Press This open access book presents an alternative to capitalism and state socialism through the modelling of a post-market and post-state utopia based on an upscaling of the commons, feminist political economy and democratic and council-based planning approaches. 2022 Level: leicht Make Capitalism History Simon Sutterlütti, Stefan Meretz Springer International Publishing The climate crisis is not primarily a problem of ‘believing science’ or individual ‘carbon footprints’ – it is a class problem rooted in who owns, controls and profits from material production. As such, it will take a class struggle to solve. In this ground breaking class analysis, Matthew T. Huber argues that the carbon-intensive capitalist class must be confronted for producing climate change. 2022 Level: leicht Climate Change as Class War Matthew T. Huber Verso Books One of the world’s leading economists of inequality, Branko Milanovic presents a bold new account of the dynamics that drive inequality on a global scale. Drawing on vast data sets and cutting-edge research, he explains the benign and malign forces that make inequality rise and fall within and among nations. 2016 Level: mittel Global Inequality Branko Milanovic Harvard University Press How Covid Shook the World s Economy Deftly weaving finance politics business and the global human experience into one tight narrative a tour de force account of 2020 the year that changed everything from the acclaimed author of Crashed The shocks of 2020 have been great and small disrupting the … 2021 Level: mittel Shutdown Adam Tooze Penguin Publishing Group Who are the 86 laureates of the economics “Nobel prize”, and what are their scientific contributions? This course will present the major concepts, theories, and results in modern economics, through an overview of the work of a selection of economics “Nobel prize” as well as Leontief prize laureates. 2021 Level: mittel Economics by its Nobel prizes Adrien Fabre ETH Zurich How did the industrialized nations of North America and Europe come to be seen as the appropriate models for post-World War II societies in Asia, Africa, and Latin America? How did the postwar discourse on development actually create the so-called Third World? And what will happen when development ideology collapses? To answer these questions, Arturo Escobar shows how development policies became mechanisms of control that were just as pervasive and effective as their colonial counterparts. 2012 Level: mittel Encountering Development Arturo Escobar Princeton University Press Economic theory must distinguish between publicly owned and privately owned property if it is to account for the effect of institutions on the behavior of individuals. Careful study of the theories of Marxists and the real-world experience in the Soviet economy offer important lessons and insight for economic modeling and the ongoing development of theory. In this course, Marxist/Leninist theory and Soviet reality will be studied with an open mind, and with the goal of taking lessons from the case study. To what extent was the Soviet economy an accurate expression of Marxist theory? If Marxism were tried somewhere else would the results be the same? 2014 Level: mittel Economic History of the Soviet Union Guinevere Liberty Nell University of Warwick This book is about history of monetary economic thought. From the 18th century with Hume and Smith to the early 20th, the author explains the different schools of thought regarding the monetary theories and policies and specially the central banking theory. 2012 Level: mittel Monetary Theory and Policy from Hume and Smith to Wicksell Arie Arnon Cambridge University Press Free, Fair & Alive is a foundational re-thinking of the commons, the self-organized social systems that human beings have used for millennia to meet their needs. 2019 Level: mittel Free, Fair, and Alive David Bollier, Silke Helfrich New Society Publishers


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