7 wyniki

This multimedia dossier explores the production chain of smartphones. In particular due to the violation of workers' rights and low payments, the author Benjamin Selwyn calls those production structures global poverty chains. In this context, he points to the importance of workers' struggles. 2016 Level: początkujący Production Chain of Smartphones Benjamin Selwyn I-PEEL Representing everyone An Analysis of the Representation of Migrant Women by official Labour Organizations in Germany Author Tess Herrmann Review Deborah Sielert This is an essay of the writing workshop Gender and the Economy Perspektives of Feminist Economics published on 17 May 2017 updated on 16 August 2017 Why we … 2017 Level: początkujący Representing everyone – Migrant Women's Representation by Labour Organizations in Germany Tess Herrmann Exploring Economics This article makes a necessary connection between economics as an academic discipline and recent events surrounding sexual harassment in the workplace. To get justice, targets must show measurable harm: economists can help. 2018 Level: początkujący $MeToo: The Economic Cost of Sexual Harassment Lynn Parramore Institute for New Economic Thinking This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) discusses Global Workers’ Rights and shows instruments and strategies which can be used to implement them. Level: początkujący Workers' Rights in a Global Economy Paul Whitehead; Mark Anner; Mark Anner; Stefanie Lorenzen; Fernando Lopes; Michael Fichter; Frank Hoffer; Victor Hugo Ricco; Camilo Rubiano; Christoph Scherrer; Ben Scully; Beatriz Vacotto; Beatriz Vacotto Global Labour University How and by whom are International Labour Standards set? How are they supervised, and how can workers’ organisations use the ILO supervisory mechanisms? What are the key principles of Freedom of Association, the right to strike and Collective Bargaining? Level: początkujący International Labour Standards: How to Use Them Beatriz Vacotto, Jeffrey Vogt, Paul Whitehead, Stefanie Lorenzen, Tandiwe Gross, and Maité Llanos Iversity What are the challenges and opportunities for achieving decent work in global supply chains How do transnational corporations and their global supply chains operate How can they be more effectively governed Mark Anner Esther Busser Michael Fichter Tandiwe Gross Frank Hoffer Jenny Holdcroft Praveen Jha Maité Llanos Adam Lee Victor … Level: początkujący Decent Work in Global Supply Chains Mark Anner, Esther Busser, Michael Fichter, Tandiwe Gross, Frank Hoffer, Jenny Holdcroft, Praveen Jha, Maité Llanos, Adam Lee, Victor Hugo Ricco, Christoph Scherrer Iversity Why are income inequalities so large and why do they continue to increase in so many countries? What role can minimum wages play in reducing social and economic inequalities? What is a good system of wage bargaining? What constitutes a fair wage? Level: początkujący Fair Wage Strategies in a Global Economy Hansjörg Herr, Maité Llanos, Gilad Isaacs, Susan Hayter, Patrick Belser, Mary Bellman, Luis Campos, Frank Hoffer Global Labour University


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