Is ecological economics for rebels? Accounting for natural resources

Dr. Anke Schaffartzik
Exploring Economics, 2021
Poziom: początkujący
Nurt ekonomii: Ekonomia ekologiczna
Temat: social movements & transformation
Formularz: Panel Discussion
Czas trwania: 1:14:57

Ecologcial economics conceptualizes our society as embedded within the environment and our economic system as embedded within society and the environment. This may seem only logical but in fact is a proposition that is irreconcilable not only with some of the tenets of neoclassical economic theory but also with any growth-based economic system. Natural resources - in their materiality, not (only) in terms of their monetary value - as part of economy-wide accounting allow us to observe close ties between economic growth and the 'Great Acceleration' and provide support for the degrowth agenda.

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