Suraj Nair

I am pursuing a PhD in International Development from SOAS, London. I hold an MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Oxford, and a BSc in Economics from Cardiff University. My research is situated in the Political Economy of Development in South-East Asia, with my current work focused on the renewable energy manufacturing sector in Malaysia. I am particularly interested in Institutional Political Economy, Industrial Economics, Ecological Economics and Marxist Political Economy.

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Suraj przyczynił się do powstania następujących treści

Level: początkujący
This book highlights the political economy of wealth and income inequality in Latin America. The author segments his analysis to separately evaluate the economic, social, and political costs of inequality building on country case studies. It draws well-contextualized lessons from the Latin American experience that is important to consider for other regional contexts, especially for social policies of nations within the 'Middle Income Trap'.


Ten projekt został stworzony przez Sieć na rzecz Pluralistycznej Ekonomii (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.).  Jest on zaangażowany w różnorodność i niezależność i jest zależny od darowizn od ludzi takich jak Ty. Regularne lub jednorazowe datki będą bardzo mile widziane.

