COVID-19 and Economic Development in Latin America

SOAS Open Economics Forum, SOAS Economics Department, Tobias Franz
SOAS University of London, 2020
Niveau: débutant
Perspective: Autre
Sujet: Crises, Macroéconomie, Monnaie & dette, Relations Nord-Sud & développement
Format: Lecture / Presentation
Durée: 00:58:43

The effects of the 2020 pandemic on the Latin-American region: a thorough before-after analysis. From a deep dependency on an extractive export oriented accumulation based on expropriation and privatization of the commons and of public investment to a markets' financialization of foreign wealth; what follows a global pandemic alongside a huge loss/out-flow of money is hard pressure on states' balance-sheets, liquidation, deprecation of local currencies, risk of defaults. It looks bleak but once again, solutions and decisions are there to be taken.

Comment from our editors:

A good regional analysis for an aware post-pandemic decision-making policy.

Go to: COVID-19 and Economic Development in Latin America

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