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The Great Recession 2.0 is unfolding before our very eyes. It is still in its early phase. But dynamics have been set in motion that are not easily stopped, or even slowed. If the virus effect were resolved by early summer—as some politicians wishfully believe—the economic dynamics set in motion would still continue. The US and global economies have been seriously ‘wounded’ and will not recover easily or soon. Those who believe it will be a ‘V-shape’ recovery are deluding themselves. Economists among them should know better but are among the most confused. They only need to look at historical parallels to convince themselves otherwise. 2020 Level: debutante Origins & Emergence of the 2020 Great Recession in the US Economy Dr. Jack Rasmus Exploring Economics In this article, Perry Mehrling, a professor of economics at Barnard College, presents and discusses three theories of banking which are guiding bank regulation. These are credit creation theory, fractional reserve theory and debt intermediation theory. 2016 Level: adelantado Central Bank theories of Banking and Money Perry Mehrling In both economics textbooks and public perceptions central banks are a fact of life. On the wall of my A-level economics classroom there was the Will Rogers quote “there have been three great inventions since the beginning of time: fire, the wheel, and central banking”, summarising how many economists view the institution. There is a widespread belief that there is something different about money which calls for a central authority to manage its operation, a view shared even by staunch free marketeers such as Milton Friedman. This belief is not without justification, since money underpins every transaction in a way that apples do not, but we should always be careful not to take existing institutions for granted and central banking is no exception. In this post I will look at the idea of private or free banking, where banks compete (and cooperate) to issue their own currency. 2020 Level: debutante Whither Central Banks? Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics Are there any limits to government spending? In times of war, particularly? And what about the aftermath of such special times when treasuries seemingly feel unshackled from any rules? And are those times really any special? That is what this paper is about. 2019 Level: adelantado Modern Money and the War Treasury Sam Levey Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity The world has seen the emergence of a rather different system of international lender of last resort organized as a network of central bank liquidity swap lines largely limited to the core countries of the Global North In this system central banks swap their own currency for dollars which they … 2021 Level: perito “Where’s My Swap Line?”: A Money View of International Lender of Last Resort Perry Mehrling Boston University Global Development Policy Center During his life, Keynes was credited with, amongst other things, with helping to save capitalism from the Great Depression, funding the war against the Nazis and building post-war decades of growth and rising prosperity. And when the global crisis struck in 2008, it was his ideas that the world's leaders turned to help avoid another depression. 2012 Level: debutante Masters Of Money | John Maynard Keynes BBC YouTube In order to describe the global structure of the monetary and financial system and its effects on the global economy, most economics textbooks rely on unappropriated theories that provide nothing but outdated descriptions. In this talk, key speakers in economics, economic history and banking try to make this complex system a little more understandable by relying on real-world insights. 2016 Level: adelantado Global Money: Past, Present, Future Perry Mehrling, Adam Tooze, Patricia Mosser, Phil Prince and Katharina Pistor (moderator) Columbia Global Thought As tax day approached, St. Francis College Economics Professors launched their first Economics Week with three days of guest speakers and student research. Randall Wray explains some basic principles of Modern Monetary Theory. 2018 Level: debutante Modern Money Theory for Beginners Randall Wray St. Francis College This book provides a new methodological approach to money and macroeconomics. Realizing that the abstract equilibrium models lacked descriptions of fundamental issues of a modern monetary economy, the focus of this book lies on the (stylized) balance sheets of the main actors. Money, after all, is born on the balance sheets of the central bank or commercial bank. 2017 Level: debutante Modern Monetary Theory and European Macroeconomics Dirk H. Ehnts Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group The Currency of Politics explains why only through greater awareness of the historical limits of monetary politics can we begin to articulate more democratic conceptions of money. 2022 Level: adelantado The Currency of Politics Stefan Eich Princeton University Press In China's Gilded Age, Yuen Yuen Ang maintains that all corruption is harmful, but not all types of corruption hurt growth. Ang unbundles corruption into four varieties: petty theft, grand theft, speed money, and access money. 2020 Level: debutante China's Gilded Age Yuen Yuen Ang Cambridge University Press David Graeber introduces different concepts such as money and debt. He takes a historical and anthropological way of explaining the origin. This breaks with the mainstream explanation, which is used in many Economics textbooks, saying that a barter economy was before money arose. 2014 Level: adelantado Debt David Graeber Melville House Mainstream inflation theories in economics do little to explain the recent acceleration in price increases. The associated economic policy recommendations further increase the misery of low-income groups. 2023 Level: debutante The inflation conundrum Thomas Sablowski Exploring Economics Focusing on Kenya’s path-breaking mobile money project M-Pesa, this book examines and critiques the narratives and institutions of digital financial inclusion as a development strategy for gender equality, arguing for a politics of redistribution to guide future digital financial inclusion projects. 2020 Level: adelantado The Exclusionary Politics of Digital Financial Inclusion Serena Natile Routledge Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is a school of monetary and macroeconomic thought that focuses on the analysis of the monetary and credit system, and in particular on the question of credit creation by the state. 2020 Level: debutante Modern Monetary Theory Nathalie Freitag Exploring Economics In this series of webinars, several researchers face different topics related to Degrowth. Money, health, Green New Deal, Anarchism, and many more. 2020 Level: debutante Degrowth Talks Various UK Degrowth Summer School In this paper the main developments in post-Keynesian macroeconomics since the mid- 1990s will be reviewed. For this purpose the main differences between heterodox economics in general, including post-Keynesian economics, and orthodox economics will be reiterated and an overview over the strands of post-Keynesian economics, their commonalities and developments since the 1930s will be outlined. This will provide the grounds for touching upon three important areas of development and progress of post-Keynesian macroeconomics since the mid-1990s: first, the integration of distribution issues and distributional conflict into short- and long-run macroeconomics, both in theoretical and in empirical/applied works; second, the integrated analysis of money, finance and macroeconomics and its application to changing institutional and historical circumstances, like the process of financialisation; and third, the development of full-blown macroeconomic models, providing alternatives to the mainstream 'New Consensus Model' (NCM), and allowing to derive a full macroeconomic policy mix as a more convincing alternative to the one implied and proposed by the mainstream NCM, which has desperately failed in the face of the recent crises. 2012 Level: adelantado Post-Keynesian macroeconomics since the mid-1990s: Main developments Eckhart Hein Institute for International Political Economy Berlin What is money and how is it used? After answering these questions, Dirk Bezemer analyses how finance can be dysfunctional for the real economy. 2016 Level: debutante When is Finance Bloated and Dysfunctional? Dirk Bezemer Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik The historical situation of low interest rates after the Fed's response to the 2001 crisis alongside with huge foreign money inflow to the US are presented as the historical context in which subprime lending and financial instruments like CDOs and CDS evolved. Then those instruments as well as the concept of leverage are explained briefly. 2009 Level: debutante The Crisis of Credit Visualized   Films for Action This video by the Khan Academy presents the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy and how they affect aggregate demand. The video especially elaborates on the basic explanation on how expansionary monetary policy increases aggregate demand via the market for money and the AD-AS model. 2012 Level: debutante Monetary and fiscal policy | Aggregate demand and aggregate supply | Macroeconomics   Khan Academy In this radio interview, Andrew Sayer first outlines some features of neoliberalism and policies that are associated with it. Then a difference between wealth creation via investment and wealth extraction by means of lending money to those deprived of it or by acquiring property such as real estate or financial assets on the secondary market as absentee owner is established. In this context reference is made to J.A. Hobson's concept of "improperty." Finally, there are some words on the power dynamics associated with capitalism and its relation to climate change. 2015 Level: debutante Why We Can’t Afford the Rich Andrew Sayer The Majority Report with Sam Seder The author identifies three principal economic phenomena, which are explained: long run productivity growth as the central driver of increasing economic activity, short-term and long-term debt cycles. The latter two are explained to some detailed with reference to money creation, central banking and long term crisis tendencies. With regards to the long run debt cycle, which leads into deleveraging and recession, some policy measures which can smoothen the crisis are discussed. 2013 Level: debutante How The Economic Machine Works Ray Dalio Bridgewater Associates In this radio program, the anthropologist David Graeber, explores the history of debt in (currently) 12 episodes. The program is based on his book Debt: The First 5000 Years. First, Graeber asks the questions of how debt and money are characterized, which meaning and roles they had in different historic episodes and how they were interrelated. In the most recent episodes, Graeber elaborates on how debt shaped society. He argues that debt had a different moral status in different times of history, one session analyses the current financial and economic crisis and the role of credit in this historical context. Level: debutante Promises, Promises: A history of debt David Graeber BBC Radio 4 Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to follow through on new year’s resolutions, such as to exercise more or to start saving more money towards retirement? The agent that most traditional economic models are based on would not struggle to keep up these resolutions. These agents are referred to as homo economicus. 2018 Level: debutante Homo Economicus: Why are new year’s resolutions so difficult to maintain and economic models so bad at predicting our behaviour? Antonia T. Schröder Pluralist Economics Fellowship The plumbing of the financial system is coming under strain like never before. On this week’s podcast, we speak with two legendary experts on how the money system works: Zoltan Pozsar of Credit Suisse and Perry Mehrling of the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies. They explain the extreme level of stress we’re seeing, what the Fed has done to alleviate, what more needs to be done, and what the post-crisis future may look like. 2020 Level: adelantado The Historic Crisis Of Financial Market Plumbing Tracy Alloway, Joe Weisenthal, Zoltan Pozsar and Perry Mehrling Odd Lots Podcast Central banking is anything but clear-cut. As this webinar with Benjamin Braun demonstrates, the standard view of central banks as independent public entities that govern financial markets and "print" money is at least partially misleading. 2020 Level: debutante Central banking, Finance and Power Benjamin Braun Modern mission theory is guided largely by the three self paradigm that suggests indigenous churches can only be healthy if they are self-governing, self-propagating, and self-supporting. Consequently, Western missionaries, their churches, and their agencies have been increasingly indisposed to giving generously. We must rethink the interplay of dollars dependency and what it means to do the right thing with our money as we pursue twenty-first century missions. 2007 Level: adelantado To Give Or Not to Give John Rowell InterVarsity Press Prof. Robert Guttmann looks at the current transformation of the international world order through the lenses of global money and finance. 2019 Level: adelantado Multipolar Capitalism Robert Guttmann Instituto de Economia da Unicamp This fresh and unique textbook provides students and general readers with an introduction to economics from a new and much needed perspective, characterised by its uniquely pluralist, sustainable, progressive and global approach. Unlike traditional textbooks, Introducing a New Economics contains the key concepts of pluralism, sustainability and justice. It provides students with the central questions covered by economics including resources, work, employment, poverty, inequality, power, capital, markets, money, debt and value. 2015 Level: debutante Introducing a New Economics Jack Reardon, Maria Alejandra Caporale Madi, and Molly Scott Cato Pluto Press Austrian economics focuses on the economic coordination of individuals in a market economy. Austrian economics emphasises individualism, subjectivism, laissez-faire politics, uncertainty and the role of the entrepreneur, amongst others. Austrian Economics     Approaching the law of nature that determines all forms of economy. The bulk of economic theory addresses the economic process by setting out on a catalogue of aspects, seeking the laws in the aspects and hoping to get together a reliable view of the whole. 2019 Level: adelantado Economic theory, methodology, and secure foundations Dr. Alec A. Schaerer Exploring Economics The concept of financialisation has undergone a similar career as ‘globalisation’, ‘neoliberalism’ or even ‘capitalism’, in the course of which it changed from the explanandum to the explanans; the process of financialisation is taken for granted, while the concrete historical and empirical causal conditions of its realisation and perpetuation are being moved into the background. 2023 Level: perito A holistic theory of financialisation Samuel Decker Exploring Economics


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