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This book highlights the political economy of wealth and income inequality in Latin America. The author segments his analysis to separately evaluate the economic, social, and political costs of inequality building on country case studies. It draws well-contextualized lessons from the Latin American experience that is important to consider for other regional contexts, especially for social policies of nations within the 'Middle Income Trap'. 2020 Level: debutante The Costs of Inequality in Latin America Diego Sánchez-Ancochea Bloomsbury Academic In this new book Smith returns to Solow s classic productivity paradox which essentially states that we can see automation everywhere like the spheres of leisure sociality and politics but not in the productivity statistics He examines why labor saving automation in the service age in the Global North has … 2020 Level: adelantado Smart Machines and Service Work Jason E. Smith Reaktion Books "Leveraged" provides an authoritative guide to the new economics of our crisis-filled century with a focus on financial crises and financial economics. 2022 Level: perito Leveraged Moritz Schularick University of Chicago Press How Covid Shook the World s Economy Deftly weaving finance politics business and the global human experience into one tight narrative a tour de force account of 2020 the year that changed everything from the acclaimed author of Crashed The shocks of 2020 have been great and small disrupting the … 2021 Level: adelantado Shutdown Adam Tooze Penguin Publishing Group Feminist economics focuses on the interdependencies of gender relations and the economy. Care work and the partly non-market mediated reproduction sphere are particularly emphasised by feminist economics. Feminist Economics     Marxian Political Economy focuses on the exploitation of labour by capital. The economy is not conceived as consisting of neutral transactions for exchange and cooperation, but instead as having developed historically out of asymmetric distributions of power, ideology and social conflicts. Marxian Political Economy     Complexity economics focuses on interactions and interdependencies between individuals and structures in economic systems. Those are systems of organised complexity. High importance is given to the analysis of networks. Complexity Economics     Los economistas de la complejidad consideran la economía como un sistema complejo que consiste en, pertenece y se superpone a otros sistemas complejos. Economía de la complejidad     This essay draws on several analyses on the gender impact of the recession and of austerity policies, in which authors acknowledge a threat to women’s labour market integration and a potential backlash to traditional gender labour structures. We contribute to that literature by asking whether recession and austerity convey a gender effect on educational attainment. Our aim in this essay is to portray the likely effects of austerity measures on gender equality with a focus on women’s participation in tertiary education and to hypothesize the implications of these scenarios for labour market effects, to be tested in future empirical research. 2017 Level: debutante The impact of Austerity on Gender in Tertiary Education: A Theoretical Analysis Zeynep M. Nettekoven and Izaskun Zuazu Exploring Economics In this essay the authors argue for a wider concept of care work that includes community building, civic engagement and environmental activism. On the basis of the case of Cargonomia, a grassroot initiative in Budapest, they show that such a wider concept of care work could allow for different narratives that promote sustainable lifestyles with a milder environmental and social impact on the planet and its communities. 2019 Level: debutante Reimagining the world of (care)work: the case of Cargonomia Ágota Csoma, Orsolya Lazányi Exploring Economics Here we look at the effect of the 2008 Climate Change Act passed in Parliament in the United Kingdom as an effort to curb emissions in all sectors. The Act aside from setting goals to become a low-carbon economy sets up an independent committee on Climate Change to ensure the implementation of policies to comply with the ultimate goal of 80% reduction in total emissions in 2050. I make use of the Synthetic Control Method (SCM) to create a comparative case study in which the creation of a synthetic UK serves as a counterfactual where the treatment never occurred (Cunningham, 2018). 2020 Level: debutante Synthetic Control Method for Estimating the Effect of the Climate Change Act of 2008 in Britain Aaron Morales Shildrick Pluralist Economics Fellowship La economía feminista analiza la interrelación entre el género y la economía. Para la economía feminista, la comprensión del trabajo, que no solo incluye el trabajo asalariado sino también el trabajo doméstico y los cuidados, además del (no) pago del trabajo y su distribución entre los géneros, son elementos centrales. Economía feminista     La EPM concibe la economía como un proceso continuo de transformación de la naturaleza y la sociedad mediante la producción. Así, la economía no se concibe como una plataforma neutral de intercambio y cooperación, sino como una constitución histórica y política caracterizada principalmente por relaciones de poder asimétricas, ideología y conflictos sociales. Economía política Marxista     This text provides an easy to understand introduction to complexity economics for non-specialist audiences such as bachelor's students. 2023 Level: debutante Think Complexity Economics is too Complicated? Then this is for you. Dennis Venter, Arpitha Varma Exploring Economics This chapter discusses the role of gender in economic relations, processes, and outcomes. Gender differences in economic outcomes such as labor force participation and wages have received growing attention from economists in the last several decades – a positive and much needed development in economic thinking. 2016 Level: debutante Illuminating the role of gender in the economy Alyssa Schneebaum Wirtschaft neu denken: Blinde Flecken in der Lehrbuchökonomie This article reviews insights of existing literature on global care chains. A specific focus is laid on the impact that the refugee crisis has on global care chains and in turn how the crisis impacts the de-skilling of the women in the migrant workforce. 2017 Level: debutante Global care chains, refugee crisis, and deskilling of workers Dita Dobranja Exploring Economics This essay deals with the concepts of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). 2018 Level: debutante The importance of a Land Degradation Neutrality approach to achieving Sustainable Land Management Pınar Topçu Exploring Economics How can we establish new institutions and practices in order to use fare-free public transport as a beacon for sustainable mobility and a low-carbon lifestyle? The author of this essay elaborates on how practice theory and institutional economics can help to answer this question. 2018 Level: adelantado Towards a practice of fare-free sustainability Roxana Erath Exploring Economics This essay focuses on the sources of government revenue within the Middle East and North African (MENA) region and proposes the implementation of a regional tax reset through increased taxation and tax reforms, deregulation in the private sector and economic diversification to reduce macroeconomic volatilities caused by the hydrocarbon industry. 2018 Level: debutante Taxation in the MENA region Sanchita Shekar Pluralist Economics Fellowship In this essay the author elaborates on the EU's perspective on the fast growing sector of the platform economy. 2019 Level: debutante Sharing is Caring? On the EU- Narrative on Platform Economy Laura Porak Exploring Economics Exploring Economics, an open-source e-learning platform, giving you the opportunity to discover & study a variety of economic theories, topics, and methods. 2016 Level: debutante Development of heterodox economics at public German universities since the 1970s Sebastian Thieme, Arne Heise Zentrum für Ökonomische und Soziologische Studien, Universität Hamburg Approaching the law of nature that determines all forms of economy. The bulk of economic theory addresses the economic process by setting out on a catalogue of aspects, seeking the laws in the aspects and hoping to get together a reliable view of the whole. 2019 Level: adelantado Economic theory, methodology, and secure foundations Dr. Alec A. Schaerer Exploring Economics As opposed to the conventional over-simplified assumption of self-interested individuals, strong evidence points towards the presence of heterogeneous other-regarding preferences in agents. Incorporating social preferences – specifically, trust and reciprocity - and recognizing the non-constancy of these preferences across individuals can help models better represent the reality. 2019 Level: adelantado A fresh perspective to economic theory: Social preferences and their impact on gender and policy Sheral Shah Exploring Economics This unique up-to-date volume not only provides state-of-the-art discussions of the most recent developments in modern macroeconomics but also includes a series of interviews with leading economists that shed new light on the major intellectual and policy issues of the 1990s. The book is at once an invaluable text and a superb overview that will be welcomed by teachers and students alike. 1994 Level: debutante A Modern Guide to Macroeconomics Snowdon, Brian; Vane, Howard R.; Wynarczyk, Peter Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Understanding the American stock market boom and bust of the 1920s is vital for formulating policies to combat the potentially deleterious effects of busts on the economy. 2014 Level: adelantado The Great Crash of 1929 A. Kabiri Springer In this keynote speech, Roger Backhouse gives a historical overview of theories on secular stagnation: how it evolved from a description of the economic situation, especially in the U.S. of the 1930s to an analytical tool and then lost importance until its current revival. Backhouse touches upon the contributions of J. A. Hobson, Alvin Hansen, Evsey Domar and Paul Samuelson. 2015 Level: adelantado Theories of stagnation in historical perspective Roger Backhouse IMK An essay of the writing workshop on contemporary issues in the field of Nigerian economics: In Nigeria, it appears that there is nothing in the constitution, which excludes the participation of women in politics. Yet, when it comes to actual practice, there is extensive discrimination. The under-representation of women in political participation gained root due to the patriarchal practice inherent in our society, much of which were obvious from pre-colonial era till date. Level: debutante Women Participation – Women Contribution to Economics and Politics Mary Otunba Exploring Economics Environmental catastrophe looms large over politics: from the young person’s climate march to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, increasing amounts of political space are devoted to the issue. Central to this debate is the question of whether economic growth inevitably leads to environmental issues such as depleted finite resources and increased waste, disruption of natural cycles and ecosystems, and of course climate change. Growth is the focal point of the de-growth and zero-growth movements who charge that despite efficiency gains, increased GDP always results in increased use of energy and emissions. On the other side of the debate, advocates of continued growth (largely mainstream economists) believe that technological progress and policies can ‘decouple’ growth from emissions. 2020 Level: debutante To Grow or Not to Grow? Cahal Moran Rethinking Economics An essay of the writing workshop on Nigeria’s Readiness for and the Effect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 2020 Level: adelantado The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Economic Impact and Possible Disruptions Emmanuel Obijole Exploring Economics Does Karl Polanyi's work “The Great Transformation” serve to analyse the current multiple crisis and social movements? Nancy Fraser revises Polanyi's concept of a double movement to capture social forces in the aftermath of the economic crisis of the 1930s – on the one side marketization and on the other hand social protection. Fraser proposes to talk about a triple movement and to account for emancipatory struggles. In the lecture, she discusses interactions as well as conflicts between those three forces, in particular conflicting aims of social protection. The lecture presents the content of her paper “A TRIPLE MOVEMENT? Parsing the Politics of Crisis after Polanyi“ in the New Left Review (2013). 2011 Level: adelantado Crisis of Capitalism, Crisis of Governance: Re-reading Karl Polanyi in the 21st Century Nancy Fraser The University of Warwick Galbraith first explores the social darwinism of Herbert Spencer and others that served as apology for the highly unequal distribution of wealth in the US at the end of the 19th century and naturalized differences in wealth by appealing to the concept of natural selection of the fittest. Then some instances of the unscrupulous business practices (i.e. robberies) of the American railroad tycoons and other business magnates are recounted. Lastly, Galbraith lines out some of the arguments of Thorstein Veblen, who delegitimized and ridiculed the business and leisure activities of the rich by putting them in the same category as predatory and ritualized practices of primitive or ancient societies. Level: debutante The Age of Uncertainty Episode 2 - The Manners and Morals of High Capitalism John Kenneth Galbraith BBC, CBC, KCET and OECA Founded in 1968, The Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE) is an interdisciplinary membership organization of academics and of activists. Its mission is to promote the study, development and application of radical political economic analysis to social problems. Concretely, this involves a continuing critique of both the capitalist system, and of all forms of exploitation and oppression. URPE’s mission also includes, coming out of this critique, helping to construct a progressive social policy, and a human-centered radical alternative to capitalism. Level: debutante Union for Radical Political Economics   Union for Radical Political Economics


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