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1218 results

"Could a cooperative market economy, in which firms are owned and controlled by their workers, be a viable and efficient alternative to capitalism?" Level: debutante Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative Donald A. R. George, Rick Woodward, Juliette Summers, Jelte Harnmeijer, David Erdal The University of Edinburgh Information and skills required to make more sustainable choices every day. Level: debutante Sustainability in Everyday Life Anna Nyström Claesson; Matty Janssen Chalmers University of Technology This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) discusses Global Workers’ Rights and shows instruments and strategies which can be used to implement them. Level: debutante Workers' Rights in a Global Economy Paul Whitehead; Mark Anner; Mark Anner; Stefanie Lorenzen; Fernando Lopes; Michael Fichter; Frank Hoffer; Victor Hugo Ricco; Camilo Rubiano; Christoph Scherrer; Ben Scully; Beatriz Vacotto; Beatriz Vacotto Global Labour University How and by whom are International Labour Standards set? How are they supervised, and how can workers’ organisations use the ILO supervisory mechanisms? What are the key principles of Freedom of Association, the right to strike and Collective Bargaining? Level: debutante International Labour Standards: How to Use Them Beatriz Vacotto, Jeffrey Vogt, Paul Whitehead, Stefanie Lorenzen, Tandiwe Gross, and Maité Llanos Iversity Photo by Kaitlyn Ashley on Unsplash The world is still feeling reverberations from the financial crisis of 2008 foreseen by neither politicians nor economists The history of capitalism has been punctuated by major crises exposing the fragility of our entire economic system How has capitalism despite these ruptures managed to … 2012 Level: debutante The Future of Capitalism Anatole Kaletsky n.a. Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash Networks are ubiquitous in our modern society The World Wide Web that links us to and enables information flows with the rest of the world is the most visible example It is however only one of many networks within which we are situated Our … Level: debutante Networks Daron Acemoglu; Asu Ozdaglar Massachusetts Institute of Technology This course is an introduction to the economic theories of financial crises It focuses on amplification mechanisms that exacerbate crises such as leverage fire sales bank runs interconnections and complexity It also analyzes the different perspectives on the origins of crises such as mistaken beliefs and moral hazard and discusses … Level: debutante Financial Crises Alp Simsek Massachusetts Institute of Technology From religious leaders to heads of state, everyone is talking about economic inequality. What form can such inequality take in different countries? What impact does it have on society? And why should it matter to you? Level: debutante Challenging Wealth and Income Inequality Jerome De Henau; Jonqil Lowe Open University Explore the pressing topic of globalisation and how it affects economics, politics and society with this online course. Level: debutante International Affairs: Globalisation Richard Baldwin Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Geneva David Harvey is a Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Geography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York CUNY the Director of Research at the Center for Place Culture and Politics and the author of numerous books He has been teaching Karl Marx s Capital for nearly 50 … Level: adelantado Reading Marx’s Capital David Harvey City University of New York A free online course at Masters-level will enable you to understand the past, present and future role of money in society. Level: adelantado Money and Society Jem Bendell, Matthew Slater University of Cumbria This course seeks to interpret capitalism using ideas from biological evolution. The lectures are foundational on neoclassical economics and economist, as well as their roles in the proliferation of capitalist ideology. However, it is less concerned with the ultimate judgment of capitalism than with the ways it can be shaped to fit more specific objectives. Level: adelantado Capitalism: Success, Crisis, and Reform Prof. Douglas W. Rae Yale University This course provides an introduction to the ILO’s Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration). The course uses real cases related to labour and employment issues as examples of how the MNE Declaration is used in practice or as guidance. 2019 Level: debutante ILO - An introduction to the MNE Declaration ILO n.a. A short course introducing co-operative firms, in the context of the Candian economy where various forms of co-operative make up a significant sector of the economy. The course offers foundational knowledge about co-operatives, explaining what they are and how they operate. Level: debutante Coops 101 Dr. Marc-Andre Pigeon University of Saskatchewan This course will cover recent contributions in economic history that, using geospatial data from anthropological maps, colonial archives and secondary sources, will explore current economic and development challenges by drawing parallels between the past and present. 2022 Level: debutante African History through the lens of Economics Elias Papaioannou, Leonard Wantchekon, Stelios Michalopoulos, Nathan Nunn, etc. Online Want to learn more about behavioural economics and its application to public policy? Take this free course from the Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government. Level: debutante Behavioural insights for public policy Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government None Este curso recorre todos los puntos claves de la economía desde un enfoque post-keynesiano combinado con el estructuralismo latinoamericano. 2020 Level: debutante Introducción a la economía Juan Manuel Telechea Youtube In Trouble in Paradise, Slavoj Žižek, one of our most famous, most combative philosophers, explains how by drawing on the ideas of communism, we can find a way out of the crisis of capitalism. 2015 Level: adelantado Trouble in Paradise Slavoj Žižek Penguin Books, Limited Making sense of economists and their world in a persuasive and entertaining style, Arjo Klamer, shows that economics is as much about how people interact as it is about the models, the mathematics, the econometrics, the theories and the ideas that come from the enormous aggregate of economics literature. Knowing and understanding economics requires both bookwork and mingling with other economists. 2007 Level: adelantado Speaking of Economics Arjo Klamer Routledge Neoliberalism is dead. Again. After the election of Trump and the victory of Brexit in 2016, many diagnosed the demise of the ideology of Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Augusto Pinochet, and the WTO. Yet the philosophy of the free market and the strong state has an uncanny capacity to survive and even thrive in crisis. 2020 Level: adelantado Nine Lives of Neoliberalism Dieter Plehwe Verso Books In his 2010 published book “The Enigma of Capital and the Crises of Capitalism” multi-talented US geographer, anthropologist and Marxist economist David Harvey aims to analyse the capitalist system that has shaped western society and the globalized world of today. 2011 Level: adelantado The Enigma of Capital David Harvey Profile Books Why is money more valuable than the paper on which it is printed Monetarists link the value of money to its supply and demand believing the latter depends on the total value of the commodities it circulates According to Prabhat Patnaik this logic is flawed In his view in any … 2009 Level: adelantado The Value of Money Prabhat Patnaik Columbia University Press The Routledge Handbook of Heterodox Economics presents a comprehensive overview of the latest work on economic theory and policy from a 'pluralistic' heterodox perspective.

Contributions throughout the Handbook explore different theoretical perspectives including: Marxian-radical political economics; Post Keynesian-Sraffian economics; institutionalist-evolutionary economics; feminist economics; social economics. 2019 Level: adelantado The Routledge Handbook of Heterodox Economics Tae-Hee Jo, Lynne Chester, Carlo D'Ippoliti Taylor & Francis Limited Trade disputes are usually understood as conflicts between countries with competing national interests, but as Matthew C. Klein and Michael Pettis show in this book, they are often the unexpected result of domestic political choices to serve the interests of the rich at the expense of workers and ordinary retirees. 2020 Level: adelantado Trade Wars Are Class Wars Matthew C. Klein & Michael Pettis Yale University Press The Wealth of Ideas traces the history of economic thought, from its prehistory (the Bible, Classical antiquity) to the present day. 2005 Level: debutante The Wealth of Ideas Alessandro Roncaglia Cambridge University Press As the current economic crisis spreads around the globe questions are being asked about what king of capitalist or post-capitalist economy will follow. There is increasing talk of the need for stringent economic regulation, the need to temper greed and individualism, to make the economy work for human and social development. 2009 Level: adelantado The Social Economy Ash Amin Zed Books Mainstream economics was founded on many strong assumptions. Institutions and politics were treated as irrelevant, government as exogenous, social norms as epiphenomena. As an initial gambit this was fine. But as the horizons of economic inquiry have broadened, these assumptions have becomehindrances rather than aids. 2003 Level: adelantado Prelude to Political Economy Kaushik Basu Oxford University Press This study offers a unique evolutionary economics perspective on energy and innovation policies in the wider context of the transition to sustainable development. The authors include: - an analysis of the environmental policy implications of evolutionary economics - a critical examination of current Dutch environmental and innovation policies and policy documents - systematic evaluation of three specific energy technologies, namely fuel cells, nuclear fusion and photovoltaic cells, within the evolutionary-economic framework. 2007 Level: adelantado Evolutionary Economics and Environmental Policy Jeroen C. J. M. van den Bergh, Albert Faber, Annemarth M. Idenburg, Frans H. Oosterhuis Edward Elgar Islamic finance's phenomenal growth owes to the Shariah compliant nature of its financial instruments. Shariah forbids the charging of interest (Riba) and instead promulgates risk-sharing and trade-based modes of financing. The Islamic financial industry has been subject to both critique and admiration. Critics argue that Islamic instruments (bearing debt-based structures) differ from their conventional counterparts only in legal lexicon and not in economic impact. 2018 Level: adelantado Rethinking Islamic Finance Ayesha Bhatti, Saad Azmat Routledge This volume focuses on the importance of the history of economic thought as an intellectual discipline. It counters the arguments of some contemporary economists who describe it as studying the mistakes of the past. However, all the great economists - Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Marshall, Keynes and even Milton Friedman - have drawn on the history of economics to find an appropriate pedigree for their own theoretical innovations. 1991 Level: adelantado The Historiography of Economics Mark Blaug E. Elgar Pub. The Austrian School of Economics is an intellectual tradition in economics and political economy dating back to Carl Menger in the late-19th century. Menger stressed the subjective nature of value in the individual decision calculus. Individual choices are indeed made on the margin, but the evaluations of rank ordering of ends sought in the act of choice are subjective to individual chooser. 2015 Level: adelantado The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics Peter J. Boettke, Christopher J. Coyne Oxford University Press Popular Assemblies and the Promise of Direct Democracy Many similarities exist between the new movements against austerity that have emerged since 2011 ranging from Taksim Square in Turkey to the Chilean student protests and from Greece to NYC One of them is their return to the principles of direct democracy … 2015 Level: adelantado The Next Revolution Murray Bookchin Verso


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