Économie de la complexité
Economy Studies Essential Lectures
Information Technology and Socialist Construction
From Political Economy to Economics
The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics
DIY Macroeconomic Model Simulation Platform
Decolonising Economics in Practice
A Video-Chat with Sergio Rossi: Milton Friedman and the Monetarist School
On the Use and Misuse of Theories and Models in Mainstream Economics
The Elgar Companion to John Maynard Keynes
Why the war in Ukraine does not jeopardise the dollar's reserve currency status
European Law Open discussion of "The Currency of Politics" by Stefan Eich
The People's Republic of Walmart
Contributions from Post-Colonialisms Today
Replay of the financial crisis of 2008? What is different today, and what to expect?
Systemic racism, reparations and tax justice
Histories of Racial Capitalism
Global Perspectives on Industrialization
The Afterlife of Reproductive Slavery
Post-pandemic future of work - How does digitization impact labour?
The Role of Women in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Global care chains, refugee crisis, and deskilling of workers
A Pluralist Perspective on Ecosystem Service Valuation Introduction