The origins of Ukraine’s debt dependence
The EU’s geo-economic revolution
Putin Is Creating the Multipolar World He (Thought He) Wanted
The Putin Regime Is Straining Under Its Own Contradictions
The Ukraine War's Multifaceted Economic Fallout
Putin’s War Is Damaging the Developing World
Effective sanctions against oligarchs and the role of a European Asset Registry
Contributions from Post-Colonialisms Today
Yuliya Yurchenko expands the frame for understanding the Russian invasion of Ukraine
What if? The Economic Effects for Germany of a Stop of Energy Imports from Russia
PolyluxMarx - A Capital Workbook in Slides
War in Ukraine, impact in Africa. The effect of soaring energy and food prices
How could the war in Ukraine impact global food supplies?
A potential sudden stop of energy imports from Russia: Effects on energy security and economic output in Germany and the EU
How the Russian Ruble Bounced Back
Pandemic resilience in North East India
Gender relations and Economics
Gender and Microeconomics
Economics of Gender (Woman in the U.S: Economy)
Education, Gender and Development
Sex-Segregated Labor Markets
Gerd Gigerenzer - Bounded Rationality
#23. Lerner et le déficit public