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On this website, you can learn about heterodox macroeconomic modelling. The DEFINE (Dynamic Ecosystem-FINance-Economy) model draws on post-Keynesian and ecological economics tradition. The website includes a description of the main features, publications, and a visualization too, where the user can play with different variables (economic growth, interest rate, recycling rate, etc.).
The model produces various scenarios for the future of the ecosystem and the global economy. It can also evaluate the long-run effects of various types of environmental policies and strategies.
Currently, three visualizations are provided:
Stock-flow consistent (SFC) modelling is one of the most viable alternatives to the dominant DSGE modelling of macroeconomic systems. Among others, SFC modelling guarantees a correct and comprehensive integration of all the flows and the stocks of an economy. Hence, it is great to have pages such as these to learn more about it.
Go to: DEFINE - A stock-flow-fund ecological macroeconomic model