Selected Marx-Engels Study Guides
Union for Radical Political Economics
Illuminating the role of gender in the economy
The Dichotomy, Inconsistency, and Peculiar Outmodedness of the "Mainstream" Textbook
Why it's time for 'Doughnut Economics'
Modern Money Theory for Beginners
MINE - Mapping the interplay between Nature and Economy
Pourquoi a-t-on besoin d'une théorie de la croissance ? 1/2
L'économie écologique en débats
Could Working Time Reduction Policies Save People and the Planet?
Clips on Climate: Behavioral Economics
Clips on Climate: Complexity Economics
Pluralism in economics: its critiques and their lessons
The power of economic textbooks: A discourse analysis
Plurality in Teaching Macroeconomics
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Teaching and Learning Ontology and Epistemology in Political Science
Circular economy resources map
Political Economy and the History of Economic Thought
Gender Relations and Economics
Foundations in Socioeconomics
History of Economic Thought
The Governance of Markets in Challenging Times: From Classic Authors to New Approaches
Actors, Behaviours and Decision Processes
Pluralist Economic Analysis
Making Many Maps: Why We Need an Interested Pluralism in Economics and How to Get There