8 results

Even if men were perceived as the main protagonists of the Greek crisis, the crisis had a deep impact on disadvantaged groups, in particular migrant women working as domestic labourers. The debate presents the particular impact on migrant women of the downturn and furthermore discusses how migrant struggles and other emancipatory movements impacted the politics of crisis. The first minutes of the video are in German, but the moderator switches to English.
Level: débutant
Invisible women? Crisis, gender and migration in Greece 2015
Representing everyone An Analysis of the Representation of Migrant Women by official Labour Organizations in Germany Author Tess Herrmann Review Deborah Sielert This is an essay of the writing workshop Gender and the Economy Perspektives of Feminist Economics published on 17 May 2017 updated on 16 August 2017 Why we …
Level: débutant
Representing everyone – Migrant Women's Representation by Labour Organizations in Germany
This article reviews insights of existing literature on global care chains. A specific focus is laid on the impact that the refugee crisis has on global care chains and in turn how the crisis impacts the de-skilling of the women in the migrant workforce.
Level: débutant
Global care chains, refugee crisis, and deskilling of workers
Multimedia dossier on unpaid labor (featuring the UK statistics office unpaid work calculator), migrant care labor and feminist political economy more generally.
Level: débutant
Housework – I-PEEL.org
Thomas Boraud, neurobiologiste, directeur de recherche au CNRS et à l’Institut des maladies neurodégénératives, CNRS-Université de Bordeaux nous expose l'antinomie entre l’Homme comme un animal doué de raisonnement rationnel et sa psychologie au quotidien. Il introduit sa présentation par des arguments provenant de la biologie et de la théorie de l'évolution pour expliquer en quel sens le concept d'homo œconomicus est dépassé et doit être revu au jour d'aujourd'hui. Il expose les fondements du processus de prise de décision (biais cognitif, capacité cognitive limitée...) pour décrire la part d’aléatoire qui est présente dans ces processus. On y apprend que notre appréhension du réel est largement modelée par nos comportements, eux-mêmes contraints par les circonstances de notre environnement.
Level: avancé
Le cerveau entre raison et émotion - Saison 2016-2017 - Conférences en ligne - Ressources - Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
The course will teach students to analyze the goals, implementation, and outcomes of economic policy.
Level: avancé
Advanced Economic Policy
Fabian Georgi analyses how migration and borders are connected to capitalism.
Level: débutant
Recruiting skilled labour, while closing borders? The connection between migration, border regimes and capitalism
The course approaches migration as a constant phenomenon in human history and examines its main supporting theories It illustrates theories about people s individual decisions to migrate and also the factors of migration as a structural feature of our societies It explains the role social networks and institutions play in …
Level: débutant
Why Do People Migrate? Part 2: Theories

Nous soutenir

Ce projet est le fruit du travail des membres du réseau international pour le pluralisme en économie, dans la sphère germanophone (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) et dans la sphère francophone (Rethinking Economics Switzerland / Rethinking Economics Belgium / PEPS-Économie France). Nous sommes fortement attachés à notre indépendance et à notre diversité et vos dons permettent de le rester ! 
