10 results

Anwar Shaikh explores alternative economic explanations, emphasizing 'real competition' theory and the role of imperfections in economic patterns. 2017 Level: avancé Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crisis Anwar Shaikh The New School for Social Research Exploring Economics Dossier on the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and the structural crisis of globalization. COVID-19 encounters a structural crisis of globalization and the economic system that drives it, with an uncertain outcome. We asked economists worldwide to share with us their analysis of current events, long-term perspectives and political responses. The dossier will be continuously expanded. 2020 Level: débutant The Next Great Recession? Exploring Economics Dossier   Exploring Economics This journal article by Radhika Desai, Professor at the Department of Political Studies, and Director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, was originally published in 2010 and republished in an revised format in 2020. The article is a comprehensive treatment of Marx's theory of crisis, focusing on the role of consumption demand in capitalism and in the emergence of crises. 2020 Level: expert Consumption demand in Marx, his crisis theories and in the current crisis Radhika Desai Research in Political Economy Since the 1980s, the financial sector and its role have increased significantly. This development is often referred to as financialization. Authors working in the heterodox tradition have raised the question whether the changing role of finance manifests a new era in the history of capitalism. The present article first provides some general discussion on the term financialization and presents some stylized facts which highlight the rise of finance. Then, it proceeds by briefly reviewing the main arguments in the Marxian framework that proposedly lead to crisis. Next, two schools of thought in the Marxian tradition are reviewed which consider financialization as the latest stage of capitalism. They highlight the contradictions imposed by financialization that disrupt the growth process and also stress the fragilities imposed by the new growth regime. The two approaches introduced here are the Social Structure of Accumulation Theory and Monthly Review School. The subsequent part proceeds with the Post-Keynesian theory, first introducing potential destabilizing factors before discussing financialization and the finance-led growth regime. The last section provides a comparative summary. While the basic narrative in all approaches considered here is quite similar, major differences stem from the relationship between neoliberalism and financialization and, moreover, from the question of whether financialization can be considered cause or effect. 2016 Level: avancé Financialization and the crises of capitalism Petra Dühnhaupt Institute for International Political Economy Berlin This paper presents an overview of different models which explain financial crises, with the aim of understanding economic developments during and possibly after the Great Recession. In the first part approaches based on efficient markets and rational expectations hypotheses are analyzed, which however do not give any explanation for the occurrence of financial crises and thus cannot suggest any remedies for the present situation. A broad range of theoretical approaches analyzing financial crises from a medium term perspective is then discussed. Within this group we focused on the insights of Marx, Schumpeter, Wicksell, Hayek, Fisher, Keynes, Minsky, and Kindleberger. Subsequently the contributions of the Regulation School, the approach of Social Structures of Accumulation and Post-Keynesian approach, which focus on long-term developments and regime shifts in capitalist development, are presented. International approaches to finance and financial crises are integrated into the analyses. We address the issue of relevance of all these theories for the present crisis and draw some policy implications. The paper has the aim to find out to which extent the different approaches are able to explain the Great Recession, what visions they develop about future development of capitalism and to which extent these different approaches can be synthesized. 2015 Level: avancé Theories of finance and financial crisis: Lessons for the Great Recession Nina Dodig, Hansjörg Herr Institute for International Political Economy Berlin The workshop introduces into the field of critical political economy and tries to identify the role of finacial markets in capitalism, the reason for financial crises and the relevance of Marx in regard to these topics. 2018 Level: débutant Marxian Political Economy Jannis Eicker and Anil Shah 2. Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics The world is regularly shaken by crises some are bigger others are smaller in scope Local turmoil military conflicts commodity scarcity bank runs health threats the history of mankind can be written as a history of crises Three major global crises occurred in the last fifty years alone the oil … 2021 Level: débutant Understanding Crises - What to take from here for better policy advice in the future? Dr. Carolina Alves, Prof. Dr. Ishac Diwan Exploring Economics La finance est-elle structurellement instable ? Comment expliquer les crises financières ? Le regard de l'économiste Hyman Minsky. 2016 Level: avancé Stabiliser une économie instable Hyman Minsky Les Petits Matins Qu'est-ce qui explique la crise d'un modèle comme les Trente Glorieuses ? Quel type de capitalisme est en train de se mettre en place aujourd'hui ? Comment nos systèmes économiques évoluent-ils ? Combinant histoire, économie et politique, ce manuel de Robert Boyer introduit à la théorie de la régulation. 2020 Level: débutant Économie politique des capitalismes Robert Boyer La Découverte Anwar Shaikh seeks in his lectures for alternative explanations for empirically observed macro and microeconomic patterns of economic fluctuations, price volatility, and economic development. Level: avancé Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crisis Anwar Shaikh The New School

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Ce projet est le fruit du travail des membres du réseau international pour le pluralisme en économie, dans la sphère germanophone (Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik e.V.) et dans la sphère francophone (Rethinking Economics Switzerland / Rethinking Economics Belgium / PEPS-Économie France). Nous sommes fortement attachés à notre indépendance et à notre diversité et vos dons permettent de le rester ! 
